Chores, chores and more chores…

With my ranch hand down I’ve had to do all the chores around here lately.  Yesterday I did yard work…all afternoon and got through about 8pm.  All I did was mow…with the riding lawn mower…and the hand lawn mower.  It was the first mow of the season and VERY dusty, but I got it done.  I did finally get up to the “3 speed” on the riding mower.  I’ve never gone higher than “2” before, but usually we are both working and it doesn’t take ALL day!  So, I speeded things up a little and only ran into two fence posts.  I didn’t tell Ranch Hand about it.  They are still standing up so hopefully he won’t notice.  It sure did stop the riding mower for a few minutes, though!  Ouch!

I also had to take the trash off and slop the pigs.  Only…we don’t really have any pigs.  I meant that I had to fix our meals! 🙂  That reminds me, I have to go haul in one of those 2.5 gallon things of water!  Ranch Hand has to drink water, water, water and more water!  Those 2.5 gallon things are heavy!!!

I don’t know about feeding the cows.  I may pretend that there is enough “green stuff” coming up that they don’t need me to feed them.  Okay…I’ll go check on them!!!

I can sum all of this up by saying….GET WELL QUICK my ranch hand…who I now realize does just about everything around here!!!  (Well, everything I don’t do!)

Here is Ranch Hand in his younger days before falling apart…

He’s going to kill me for saying that when he gets to feeling better!

About ponderosamel

I'm a daughter, wife, mother, and finally a grandmother living out my dream of living on our family farm. We actually don't farm, but we do raise a few cattle. I enjoy planting a spring garden, making many of the cows my pets, and just getting my hands in good, rich soil. I also enjoy cooking, my family and gazing about the countryside from my front porch!
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